PhotoPOSTcard: Spring Symphony Opus 6

I love foxglove flowers and have tried to grow them, but we do not really have the right conditions here in southeast PA. They like cooler weather and we get hot and humid pretty quickly in summer. Here at Longwood Gardens they start them early and grow them in their greenhouses under the appropriate environment.

Happy spring and stay safe.


Reflections from 2019 – An Epic Year of Travel

This was an epic year of travel for me – the best ever. I was very fortunate to be able to go somewhere special each month.

I visited National Parks in the US  as well as a few new places in my home country. I had a completely unique experience as a volunteer citizen scientist in Kenya. And my feet touched the soil of South America for the first time. To top it all off, I was totally spoiled on a one of a kind barge cruise on the Burgundy Canal in France. I don’t think any year in travel can get much better.

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Spring in the Brandywine Valley – My Travel World International Magazine Article

How to experience spring in the Brandywine Valley gardens.

I absolutely love spring in the Brandywine Valley of southeastern Pennsylvania and northern Delaware. At this time of year I don’t need to travel because I am surrounded by some of the most beautiful gardens in the country. Starting in March and continuing nonstop through May, the gardens that were formerly part of DuPont family estates glow in a riot of vibrant colors as a succession of blooms brighten the landscape and my spirits with them.

You can read my article about spring in the historic Brandywine Valley in the most recent issue of Travel World International magazine.

You can see more spring garden photos in my post Tip Toe through the Tulips-A Colorful Collection of Spring Garden Photos at Longwood Gardens.

Thanks for visiting.



Reflections From 2018

2018 was an especially good year for travel. I was fortunate to be able to travel somewhere fun almost every month, both in the US and overseas.

Many of the locations that I visited were new to me, including a new continent-Africa. I also revisited some of my favorite cities-London, Istanbul and Washington D.C. I have written about my experiences for many of these destinations-but some are still sitting in my draft que, waiting to be finished (one of the resolutions for 2019 before I start traveling again).

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“My Merry Christmas Quilt” – Original Quilt Design

Like my treasured Christmas ornaments, my Christmas quilt comes out once a year. When it finally hangs on my family room wall, then I know that the Christmas season has finally begun. And like many of my quilts, I made the back interesting so that I can display it also.

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Reflections From 2017

I love taking reflection photos. 

There is something about the symmetry of a perfect mirror image that never gets old for me. Or the juxtaposition of the inside and the outside of a window reflection.  As a result I am always drawn to photographing reflections. Sometimes the reflections make up the whole photo and sometimes they are just a small element, but  with each trip, I always come back with a few more.

Here are my favorites from 2017, at the same time, chronicling my travels for this year.

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“It’s the Great Pumpkin Carve, Charlie Brown”

The Great Pumpkin Carve is THE anticipated event of the fall season in the Brandywine Valley of Southeastern Pennsylvania. Set aside any preconceived notion you may have of jack-o-lanterns with triangle eyes and a saw tooth smile.  The 400 pound vegetable specimens serve as a canvas for artists, sculptors, and anyone up for the challenge of creating an artistic pumpkin masterpiece.

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