“Quilter on the Orient Express” Original Quilt Design

Orient Express Quilt

Last Updated on 04/01/21 by Rose Palmer

Quilt Inspiration –  I wanted to commemorate our 30th wedding anniversary trip on the Orient Express from Venice to London with a special quilt. 

“Quilter on the Orient Express” quilt

The quilt colors were taken from the colors of the Orient Express train line which are royal blue and gold. I felt that the intricate blue and gold paisley fabric represented well the luxury of the experience. The contrasting brown trim picks upon on all the beautiful detailed wood trim inside the train cars. I chose the envelopes block pattern for all the letters my husband and I used to write during the years we were apart before we were married.

Detail of "Quilter on the Orient Express" Quilt
Detail of “Quilter on the Orient Express” Quilt

I photographed the quilt in our cabins on the Orient Express train.

The  longarm quilting was done by Quilts Everlasting.

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Orient Express Quilt