Looking for Things to do in Big Bend? – My 25 Big Bend Experiences to Inspire Your Next Itinerary

I think the Big Bend area of West Texas is an undiscovered jewel in our National Park system. My first visit was in 1990 and I loved it then and loved it even more on a recent trip in September which was a perfect time to explore the park. The weather was not super hot (low 80’s during the day) and it was not at all crowded since the busy season had not yet started. So, for those trying to figure out what to do in West Texas country, I am sharing my 25 favorite things to do in Big Bend to inspire your next trip itinerary to one of the least crowded National Parks in the lower 48 states.

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Terlingua and Lajitas – A Tale of Two Cemeteries

The historic west Texas towns of Terlingua and Lajitas share a common location as gateway towns for both Big Bend National Park and Big Bend Ranch State Park. Though only fifteen minutes apart, their personalities are as distinct as their heritage. On my recent visit, I found that both towns are very much a reflection of their historic cemeteries: Terlingua is wild and woolly while Lajitas is more sedate and proper.

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