Photo POSTcard: Shichi-Go-San – Japan’s Cutest Festival

Shichi-Go-San festival in Japan

Last Updated on 10/27/20 by Rose Palmer

The Japanese love their varied festivals and holidays.  For a visitor, the festival with the highest adorable factor has to be Shichi-Go-San, or the 3-5-7 festival which refers to the ages of the children that participate.

Shichi-Go-San is traditionally celebrated on Nov. 15.  On this day, 3 and 5 year old boys put on their best hakame (pleated traditional trousers), and 3 and 7 year old girls put on their best kimonos, and head to their local shrine to pray for continued health and happiness.

Apparently this is also a big photo day for the parents as they try to get the little ones to hold still long enough for portraits in their formal finery.  But kids will be kids, regardless of what they are wearing, and inevitably, they are running, jumping, and playing, despite being all dressed up.

Thanks for visiting.
